That’s a music signal? – Audio AC Waveform Tutorial

Is Your Car Dealer in Touch With Millennials?

A good car dealer knows that baby boomers and millennials shop for cars differently. Discover how dealers plan to pick up millennial sales.

Four Tips To Confidently Approach Car Dealers

The idea of visiting car dealers may make you nervous, but staying confident is important when purchasing an auto. Take these four tips with you, and you’ll stay solid.

Save Some Time, Prepare Ahead of Time for Your Trip to the Car Dealer

Your car dealer his there to guide you through the purchasing process. You can help make this endeavor easier by arriving prepared in the following ways.

20 Miles Per Hour Speed Limits Are Here to Stay in the UK

Cutting speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph saves lives by some 40%. This is a major reason for London, Birmingham and other cities in United Kingdom to implement this lower speed limits in residential districts and other city roads.

Should I Buy or Lease My Next Car?

Deciding whether to buy or lease your next car is a question most car buyers ask themselves. Before choosing the option that’s best for you, it is important to understand the difference between leasing and purchasing.

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