Importance of Rideshare Insurance
The rideshare industry is growing and just keeps expanding. This means that in theory, the demand for rideshare insurance should be growing, too. But, that is not the case, in fact, about 90% of drivers that are a part of Uber or Lyft do not have rideshare insurance.
Road Rage and the Psychology Behind ItRoad rage has been around for ages, but it is becoming an even greater problem. Many experts attribute the issue that is quickly becoming an epidemic to the fast paced nature of our lives in today’s society.
Summer Roadtrip Safety Essentials For Your TrunkWhen you’re heading out on the road for a road trip this summer, it’s important to make sure you are prepared for the summer temperatures and also for any possible emergencies. Here’s a quick list of essential items you should have in your trunk before you leave. Flashlights Yes, it’s summer, but it still gets dark at night.
The Journey of Ford MotorsFord motor Company, started by Henry Ford invented the first automobile. From then to now this article depicts the history of Ford and how far they have came and evolved over the years.
7 Ways You Are Destroying Your CarIf you want your car to last you a long time, be sure you are not guilty of these 7 common driving habits that ruin vehicles. If you do junk your car with poor habits, you can just sell if for cash to a local junk car buyer!