Want great subwoofer bass? You NEED bracing! #shorts

How To Avoid Getting Ripped Off On An Extended Car Warranty

Extended auto warranties can save you thousands of dollars. They can also be huge ripoffs if you don’t understand what you’re getting yourself into.

How to Increase Your Car’s Performance Without Spending a Fortune

If you have a few dollars to spare on your motor, and would like to see its performance increase, then there are a lot of ways that you can do it without breaking the bank. You don’t need to completely rebuild your engine, or fit NOS to get better performance from your motor.

Best Future Automotive Maintenance Technology Considered

As a lover of technology, perhaps you too, I think I can surely relate with those who find revolutionary Google Glass applications. Such technology is a long time coming and much like 3-D printing it will change everything. Having been in the automotive sector prior to retirement (Franchisor of mobile car wash businesses) my mind usually looks at all new technology for possible automotive applications. Okay so, let’s see how this new innovation will be taken to a whole new level – let’s talk.

The Most Effective Coating Solutions and Services – Vacuum Metalizing

Historically speaking, equipment and automobile manufacturers generally depend on plastic enclosures or housings, coated with conductive paint and on board-level metal cans in order to achieve electromagnetic compatibility, also known EMC. These solutions have been around for years, and have only evolved further to prove beneficial. The practices of metallization started as early as mirror making.

Fords That Have Become American Classics

When Henry Ford started his Car manufacturing business, I’m sure that he had a vision of a successful company, and of many great models of Ford cars being produced. I wonder though, if he imagined how big and powerful his company would actually become.

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