WagonR from Rajasthan for Nippon android stereo

GM Launches Recall But Parts Aren’t Ready Yet, So You Have to Wait

What if GM gave a recall and it wasn’t even ready? Well, that’s exactly what they have done. They’ve issued a recall letter that says, essentially, call again later when the parts are available.

Colored Hids And Kelvin Temperature: How Are They Related?

Different Types of Colored Hids and Their Highlighting Features – High Intensity Discharge Bulbs commonly referred to as “magic” or “color” bulbs are the latest trends of automotives today and produces more light output when compared to the traditional halogen bulbs. These bulbs are a whole package introduced in the market with varying colors and shapes. The retrofitting aspect of HIDS is the most “eye-catch” feature which makes the fitting procedure to be easy without the aid of any technical support and requires only a single booklet of instructions.

4 Ways to Ensure You Don’t Get Ticketed

What if I told you that traffic tickets are a multi-billion industry? What if I also told you that while – I’ll admit – they make our roadways safer, they have a lot to do with increasing a city or state’s revenue? In fact, according to the National Motorists Association, more than 41 million drivers throughout the United States (you know; the land of the free) are ticketed each year for speed related incidents alone.

The Myths Of The MOT Test

An MOT is never exactly something fun; we are often filled with dread at the thought of our mechanic finding a million and one faults resulting in our car being labelled unroadworthy with only an eye watering repair bill able to change that. We all know that there’s never really any fun in a MOT test but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is scary as it is made out to be! From rumours to myths to stories designed to fill you with dread; the world of MOT’s is no exception to falsities but how many do you…

Top Mechanic Myths

Urban legends and myths are a part of every culture; from the ghost that walks the town to the haunted building that legend has it will swallow you whole, as a nation we are quite easily prone to formulating and believing some of the most ridiculous things! Unsurprisingly these myths stretch to every part of our lives including the cars we drive.

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