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Keep Your Older Car Running and Looking Smooth

Gasoline is inching towards four dollars a gallon… again. We all know when fuel cost rise, so does everything else. I like cars, especially new cars. It is very easy to get new car flu, just visit a few dealer lots and stick your head in or sit in a brand spanking new ride and you’ll get infected. Keeping your older car running and looking smooth can give you a feeling of accomplishment and let’s face it, that “paid for” appeal always looks good.

Stretching The Life Of Your Car With Routine Maintenance

With the high costs of running an automobile there are some preventative measures that a driver can take to extend the live of their vehicle. These are just some suggestions that a car owner should take into consideration.

Qoros 3 Sedan Makes Its Global Debut

The newest global brand is Qoros, a Chinese make jointly owned by Chery Automobile and Israel Corporation. Its five-passenger compact sedan goes on sale in China this year, followed by Europe.

The Worst Thing You Can Do As a Car Dealer

One of the absolute worst things you can do as a car dealer is to allow a bad review to linger at the top of the search results. Yet this is what will happen if you have no working strategies for dealing with it.

Be My Designated Driver

When there are no sober friends around and you still need your car, use a designated driver service. It is cheaper than a cab and safer for your car.

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