Hyundai CRETA 2020

Understanding Fuel Octane Numbers (RON) and Which Fuel To Use on Your Car

The initials RON refers to Research Octane Number, and this is a standard measure of the fuel’s ability to withstand compression. According to industry standards, every car will have its particular requirement for the fuel, and this will be determined by the use for which the car was made in the first place. This is manifest in every car’s design language, from the materials on the seats to those used on the dashboard and instrument panel, from the body styling to the rim type and size, from the engine size to the exhaust sound, from how and where the car is marketed and ultimately to the type of fuel it will use. The type of fuel is therefore determined by the octane rating, with figures such as RON87, RON92, RON95, RON97 and RON 99, and in this article I will discuss the meaning of these figures together with their respective implications to any given car.

Why You Should Avoid Fuelling Your Car Tank Fully With Petrol

“Full tank,” said a driver to the petrol station attendant. With that done, the attendant gave the ‘thumbs up’ sign and the driver smiled as he drove off the highly laden SUV, the sight of folded tents and bikes on the roof rack and a spade attached vertically along the rear door clearly attesting why he needed all that fuel: it seemed that a serious expedition was in prospect. “Great,” I thought. But as I sat in my car I happened to reckon at the number of times I had done the same. How about you – how many times have you filled your car tank fully or been next to someone doing that? After reading this article, you may never do that again.

Best Colors for Car

The color of the car has a direct connection to its appearance. The kind of color plays a big role in the shine, gloss and finish of the automobile. If you visit the auto paint shop, you are going to be spoiled with its wide selection. With some basic tips, you will be able to choose the right color for your automobile.

Features To Look For While Selecting A Driving School

People often look for a driving school either when they are planning to purchase a car or any vehicle or are about to appear for a driving test for a license. It is easy to find a driving school now-a-days but to find a good one is bit tricky. Not every driving school that boasts about its qualities always proves correct. A very good driving lesson is required for the safety of the learner and for his/her passengers. Again, safety is the main concern which brings a person in search of a good driving school.

Safety Tips For Driving In Winter Weather

Driving in winter conditions can be both challenging and frustrating. Here are some helpful tips to keep you and your loved ones safer on the road. Plan now for safe traveling in cold-weather climates.

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